Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Mozilla FireFox-Not Real Animal
Hi mostly peoples. So lets get to tha point! So, I've been noticing Enternet Explorer will give you some problems viewing my blog, so how do you fix this problemo you might ask. Well, here's a solution, download Mozilla Firefox, it displays stuff properly and is faster. It really rocks! So, if you want your internet browser faster and better and stuff, download Mozilla FireFox today!-Not an animal-Computer Browser. Get MozillaFirefox here! MozillaFirefox or Firefox.com
Sunday, September 17, 2006
RuneScape-How This Game Is Pretty Frustrating
Hello peoples, ninjas, uuuhhhh, samurais you probably know the game RuneScape, right? It was pretty fun until this dreadful Sunday. My RuneScape 3 accounts have all deleted! You would wonder why this would happen, and yeah I definitely thought about this subject, so if this problem has ever happened to you and you got'em back I need to know how you got it back. SERIOSLY, MAN, WOMAN, SHEMAN, I NEED TO GET THOSE ACCOUNTS BACK. SO, I GUESS YOU COULD GIVE M A COMMENT AND TELL ME HOW TO FIX THIS PROBLEM, PLEASE, NO SERIOUSLY GET ON IT NOW.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Finally, A New Post
Hello every peoples! I know I haven't posted a post for like, forever. My summer was great, the books I read during the summer were great, and yeah, you might not believe it , but I'm actually starting to like these trading cards called "Yu-Gi-Oh" the name sounds weird, and I bet you've all heard of it. So, how was your summer, actually nevermind, I don't even care. So until next time uuuhh, keep doing what you're doing. Oh yeah what more thing, I'm going to post some videos of my claymation on my site. So I guess now you have something to look forward to on my site.