New Vids!
Hey guys, it's Richard a.k.a. Keita a.k.a. Sasuuke a.k.a. Sasuuke Uchiwa. Well, as you know I'm involved in JTCMovieProductions; obviously. We've just finished this week's video; JTC CSI New Jersey. We found some long lost files that are the remaining videos of King of the Rings. In the end John and I said now to our special game! Which was supposed to be Legend of Link Sunlight Prince, but we lost the files in my hard drive. And by the way, if you saw my profile on myspace be free to add me. We also finished the Saw 5 preview. (Not the film. And it's Saw 5 and not 6.) Every month, we will have an exclusive video. The exclusive for September is Super Short and Pointless! And the exclusive for October is Costume Contests.
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