Sunday, July 16, 2006


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Summer Reading List

* Hoot - by Carl Hiaasen-Newberry Honor Book
* The Gypsy Game- by Zipha Keatley Snyder
* The Alchemist- by Paulo Coelho
* Invasion of the Road Weenies- by David Lubar-Rated *****
* Treasure Island- by Robert L. Stevenson
These are all the books I'm reading at once, for summer. As you can kinda see that I already read Invasion of the Road Weenies. With 35 weird stories you’re bound to enjoy it. I'm almost done with the book The Alchemist. What inspired me buy that book is the Japanese manga (comic) called Full Metal Alchemist. Yeah I recommend all these books and FMA.