Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Wii's New Channel (Oddly Named)-Happy Chinese New Year- Volume 3 of ATHF

Hey- Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy Chinese New Year! *Dance dance, dance dance* Look at this Chinese slideshow of the New Year and obviously its the year of the pig. Yesterday, I added some Wii points on my Wii's shop channel. So I downloaded it and its called Everybody Votes Channel, its pretty cool. You get to vote on pole questions. And I guess poles are exciting cause the turn outs are sometimes AMAZING! Maybe I should start some poles... And to add to my addiction... I got ATHF season 3!!! The episodes are-
1. Frat Aliens
2. Total Recarl
3. Kidney Car
4. Revenge of the Trees
5. The Cloning
6. Broodwich
7. The Dressing
8. THE
9. The Cubing
10. The Last One
11. The Clowning
12. Spirit Journey Formation
13. The Shaving
Any ATHF fan needs all the seasons! Peace out! Richard-Out!


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