Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Eragon-Advantages the Book Offers Than the Movie

This past week, I saw the movie Eragon. (You had to see the attraction on TV.) I guess it was pretty good, actually it was terrific! It was much like the Lord of the Rings. The story goes like this; (Ahem, got to get on my story telling voice.) A young boy named Eragon goes hunting out in the night and right when he finds a dear and tries to shoot it with his bow and arrow the bow turns in flames while in the air. It missed the dear as it fled but something better happened. Eragon found a stone on the ground and it was GIGANTIC!!! He picked it up and ran back home. At that time it was morning, when everyone awake, (Story telling voice breaks.) (Cough Cough) Well, I forgot when he figures out that the stone was an egg and Eragon hatches it and there's a baby dragon! Eragon then go on a adventurous journey and all that stuff. Right after the movie I rushed to Borders to get the Eragon book. You should always, always, have the expectation that the movie is not as good as the book. One of the reasons the book is better is that when reading the book, you don't have any images so you have to make those up, and that tickles your imagination. Right after I'm done with reading Eragon, I'll go on start reading Eldest the second part of the series. (Wow dragons could be amazing... thought they were not... Oh no after the lord of the rings... I didn't ... Umm...


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