Monday, June 19, 2006

The End of School Whooo Hooo!

Whooooo Hoooooo the school year's almost over only two more days to go! It's so exciting! Can't wait 'til school's over. Summer blast is gonna be a blast! Well, I'm not that sure that it's gonna be fun cause this year instead of going to Japan, I'm staying here in America. (This is the first time staying in America for the summer.) Well, could be better than staying in Japan for two months. MAYBE. I can't wait to catch uuuuuhhhh the bugs you call "fireflys" in my backyard, keep them for a little while and let them go, and play ClubPenguin and MapleStory like crazy! (MapleStory is a MMORPG that I forgot to tell you about.) Well whatever, whatever I do is gonna be fun. Is yours? The world will never know!


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