Saturday, April 29, 2006

Games I Play Recently

Over these few months, I've been playing some games on "," that are great! The first game is called "Heliattack3."It is the best "Shoot'em up" games on Miniclip. You play as a army soldier looking guy that kicks ass. It is a game that the objective is to kill everyone you see. There are air-born enemies and enemies that walk on the ground (that are usually or always robots.) I don't play it that often, but the last time I've played it I went up to level/mission 4, there I got shot by missiles and lasers by the flying high-tech helicopters and the on-ground little laser-shooting robots.
The next game is called "Clubpenguin." In the game, you are supposed to play as a penguin, (Witch you choose a name for.)In a penguin world. You even own your own house (igloo.) You could type messages on the "Message bar." You could also choose messages that are already written for you on the bar with the messages (I have no idea what it's called.) You could also express your feelings, your needs, and stuff you’re thinking of. The objectives of the game is traveling around town, dancing in the night club, drinking coffee in the coffee shop, eating pizza at the pizza place, and playing games everywhere to earn money to buy clothes for your penguin and furniture for your house. But there are rules that you have to follow. The rules are simple there is no sexual talk or cursing. If you take my advice and make an account, you will see me! My username is called "Gd1fan” it stands for Greenday1fan i hope you meet me. If you didn't understand my Greenday gamer's crappy words you must be retarded, but here you go If you really want to make your own account click here for a tutorial.
The last game is called "Runescape." I don't know much about it, because I don't have an account, but it's very popular. Please play these games, and I assure you they will be very fun. May the force be with you. (Some of my friends say Runescape sucks compared to Clubpenguin and Heliattack3, but I’m not sure if that's true.)


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