Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day

Today I had another day of no school because of Veterans Day. My mom went to work the morning, and left us with chores. We did all our chores. After we were done we decided to buy my Christmas Presents.( I'm not allowed to open them until Christmas.) We bought two games: Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble and Pokemon XD. Later I asked to my dad, "Could I open one present?" He said yes. When we got back home we saw our mom, so we decided to go to a restaurant for dinner. After dinner we went to a store, when we were done I asked "Is there anywhere else to go?" Then, my mom said "Fine we will never go anywhere together again!" I just asked!!!! We came home and had a big argument. She really over reacts at times. Sometimes she is so stubborn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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