Hi! Sorry for not blogging for a while. So, I forgot to mention about "my" Thanksgiving. I went to my mom's and dad's friends house. We arrived second. Maybe even a little early when we are usually fashionably late. Before my friends arrived I played Midtown Madness for the computer. You crash, bash, and adventure car driving through the city. Well, I think that's Free Run Mode. That's all I tried. Next, I played a alien killing game, my friends arrived while I was playing so we beat it together. After that, it was time to eat. We ate turkey, marshmallows, pasta, salad, and chicken nuggets. We played a airplane shooting game together after that. We beat that one together too. I got bored after I started playing the airplane game again so I played Game Cube. Yes, my friend brought it. We played Mario Super Star Base Ball, even I didn't know how to even play baseball! Obviously I lost, at least two times. I brought a game, and my memory card. I bet you know witch game I brought. It was Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble. We played, and played and so on, and we got bored so we played the computer. A wrestling game, a shooting game, and another airplane game. We did these until we went home. This was a great Thanksgiving!
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