Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My games for the Game Cube and Ratings

These are the games I play. These are the ratings I give them. My rating system is one * to five *****. ***** meens I strongly recomend and * meens I don't recomend it.
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat *** E 10+
Donkey Konga *** E
Kirby Air Ride **** E
Luigi'’s Mansion **** E
Mario Kart Double Dash **** E
Mario Party 4 *** E
Mario Party 5 **** E
Mario Party 6 **** E
Mario Power Tennis **** E
One Piece Grand Battle ** E 10+ to T
Pac-Man vs. * E
Pac-Man World 2 * E
Paper Mario ***** E
Pokemon Channel *** E
Pokemon Colosseum ***** E
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle ** E
Sonic Heroes *** E
Soul Calibur II *** T
Super Smash Bros. Melee ***** T
Viewtiful Joe ***** T
Viewtiful Joe 2 ***** T
The games that have four * or up it's good!!


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